We encourage all teams to raise a minimum of US$5K, contributing to our overall target of US$1 million raised.
Each team’s final score will be calculated both on their performance in the Dragon Race and in the fundraising element of the event.
Important Information for Teams – Fundraising and Awards
There will be an Award for the Highest Fundraising team.
The Mission is asking all participants in the Adventure Race Japan to aim to raise US$5,000 in fundraising. We appreciate that team registrations have already been paid by your company, which cover the running of the event, but we are sure you will want to help raise this money to help with our frontline work which directly helps seafarers. The aim of the event is to raise valuable funds for our on-going operational work, as well as raising the profile of the Mission.
In order to raise the additional US$5,000+ we ask you to reach out to your contact list – of clients, suppliers and network – explaining that you are undertaking a challenge to help seafarers’ welfare and to ask if they would sponsor you to do this. We know that some companies will raise in excess of this amount.
There will be a prize for the team which raises the most money. Consequently, we ask you to update us monthly on your progress, if you can. We will publish the top ten leaders in a leader-board, on our website. At the event we will make this visible and announce each day the top four leaders. You will have until 30 days after the event to encourage those who have pledged to send their funds to us.
It is crucial that in asking companies to support you, they use the Team Reference in their bank references, so we can be sure to identify and allocate to your team. Companies may prefer to use a Just Giving site and if you need help with this, Krishna can assist. adventurerace@missiontoseafarers.org
The following Awards will be given:
Points system
to decide on the overall Green Dragon Race Winner and Black Dragon Race Winner.
Other Challenge elements
Separate points will be awarded for the paddle boarding and team challenges – to be advised.