The Adventure Race Japan is being organised by The Mission to Seafarers who are on call day and night, 365 days a year, to 1.89m seafarers in over 200 ports worldwide. Read more

15th - 18th May 2025

Register to take part within the Adventure Race Japan 2025 following the 2023 event this year which raised US$1.3M

Adventure Race Japan 2023では 総額US$1.3mill の寄付金が集まりました。 次回の2025年大会に向けて、まずは皆様のご登録をお願い致します。

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Help Support Seafarers Globally

Over 90% of world trade is carried by sea, providing work to 1.89 million seafarers. Day and night for 365 days per year, The Mission to Seafarers (MtS) is on call providing help for seafarers in over 200 ports around the world.

Funds raised through the Adventure Race Japan will be used to fund MtS ‘Emerging Port Strategy 2022-2026, a more strategic approach to existing and new operations in Asia and globally’.

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